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/.every day a part


Today's Bandcamp Friday is a perfect opportunity to celebrate my LP debut for

I have selected 9 of 28 tracks composed and recorded in one take. The #Jamuary2021 project was about intuitive, not overthought, and overproduced creative process.

The main goal was to record a track for each day of the month (with cameras, video editing, and pushing to the web during the same night).

- No prerecorded or bought loops

- Sequencing from a clean state + live improvisation.

I am incredibly proud of mixing the sounds on the fly because Synthstrom DELUGE was the heart of my setup, and it has only one stereo audio out. It means that I could react only to what I was hearing (while I wouldn't know what I would be playing) because it was rendering to the flat stereo mix with no possibility of fixing the single instrument's signal.

Nine selected tracks on the album were DIY "mastered" to amp the levels, cut some harshness, and check if they are connecting as a coherent story I wanted to make from it.

Feel invited to take a listen, and if you like it, consider to

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